5.0 Project Management


5.1. project management considerations, including:
5.1.1. scope
5.1.2. time
5.1.3. resources
5.1.4. client brief
5.2. components of a project design process, including:
5.2.1. product purpose and design criteria
5.2.2. target audience characteristics
5.2.3. project presentation medium
5.3. techniques for the representation of a design plan, including:
5.3.1. annotated digital diagrams/sketches
5.3.2. storyboards
5.3.3. annotated notes
5.3.4. thumbnails (hand/digital)
5.4. criteria required to evaluate a digital product and/or digital solution


5.5. apply the elements of design and the principles of design relevant to a particular design brief.
5.6. apply a design process to create a digital product, design and/or digital solution
5.7. apply techniques for representing the design of a digital product and/or digital solution