3.0 Impacts of Technology


3.1 Purpose of the Copyright Act 1968 (Australia), including: (1)
What is the purpose of the Copyrigth Act 1968
Copyright is a right belonging to the owner or licensee of a a literary, artistic or dramatic work, film or sound recording, to reproduce, perform or otherwise deal with the work.
3.1.1 Fair Dealing
3.1.2 Private Use
3.1.3 Moral Rights (1)
When was Moral rights added to the Copyright Act of Australia?
3.2 referencing techniques for digital publications
3.3 acknowledgement of the intellectual property (IP) owner (1)
What is intellectual property?
It is an idea or product that belongs to a person due to clever thinking
3.4 concept of digital citizenship
3.4.1 Responsible use of social networking
3.4.2 forms of cyber bullying (1)
What are effective prevention and responses to cyberbullying in schools?
Looking for confirmation of fact based methods, programs, techniques that have been implemented successfully globally. Attempting to understand what are the conditions that underpin success or are these prevention programs adaptable to Australian schools.
3.4.3 strategies to manage/limit cyber bullying (1)
What are ways to limit cyberbullying?
Go to a helpline to talk about the problem.

Get some assistance from friends or family

Get social media sites to control cyberbullying

Report to teachers or parents about the issue you are facing

3.5 the impact of digital technologies on work-life balance (1)
What is a way to improve work-life balance?
The Organisation of someones work life can be improved through the use of technology as it is a fast and efficient way of communicating information between employees throughout the business.
3.6 the concept of social networking
3.7 the impact of social networking technologies on traditional methods of information publication and distribution, including use of mobile devices (1)
What is the Negative Impacts of Social Networking?
The negative impacts or the drawbacks of Social Networking, can include Short Attention Spam, harming productivity, oversharing and loss of privacy are all factors that Social Networking has been criticized for. Fake News is another harmful use of Social Networking with the encouragement to spread misinformation on many news sites.


3.8 apply appropriate referencing techniques for digital publications